Catching Salmon ACCIDENTALLY on Ultra-Light Fishing Rods!
Posted January 01, 2024
In search of one species...and met with another! This two-man fishing and filming team of Jordan Knigge and Lucas Holmgren is out on the river in search of Coastal Cutthroat Trout. The Pacific Northwest has a few species available in many rivers in the winter-time. From late Coho and Chinook Salmon, to Winter & late Summer Steelhead - not to mention, Whitefish, Rainbows, Suckers & Cutthroat Trout! Ultimately, the goal was to find Sea-Run Coastal Cutthroat in a stream that had spawning Chum and Coho Salmon. Finding these anadromous fish often happens while you're targeting Salmon or Steelhead. You'll have...