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Addicted Collections

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Addicted Steelhead Blend Gel

Addicted Steelhead Blend Gel
Addicted Steelhead Blend Gel
Addicted Steelhead Blend Gel
Addicted Steelhead Blend Gel
Regular price

Addicted Steelhead Blend Gel

You requested and Marlin delivered it.  Addicts have been asking for years to make our well proven Addicted Steelhead blend in a GEL.  Well the wait is over.  This is an extremely limited run of 150 Bottles. Addicted Steelhead blend was designed by Addicted Guide Cameron Black and has been proven to work in multiple scenarios and multiple river conditions. Summer Steelhead, winter steelhead, spring steelhead, and it's now available in a GEL. 



  • 2oz and 8oz bottles 
  • Easy to apply container 
  • Super Sticky 
  • Last a long time on baits, lures, and more 


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