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Enforcer Dark Green 300 Yd Spool

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Enforcer Dark Green 300 Yd Spool

Addicted Enforcer 8x is the most advanced braided line in the TUF Line offering. The Close Angle Braid technology makes it one of the most compact braided lines on the market. The ultra round profile delivers smooth handling, long casts, and almost no rod guide noise. Made with micro-PE fibers, it has the highest strength to weight ratio in its class. Colored with a proprietary, colorfast, bi-component coating process, you’re ensured amazing abrasion resistance and long color life.

Our Preferred Uses:
  • Trout Fishing 
  • Bass Fishing 
  • Heavy Cover Fishing 
  • Deep Trolling Fisheries 
  • Fishing Green Water 

Dark Green Enforcer Braid is an excellent choice to throw on any of your reels, as its qualities apply in just about all water conditions. We can't wait to see you Addicts spooled up!



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