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Blazing Bite Chili Garlic Jam: Limited Edition

Blazing Bite Chili Garlic Jam:  Limited Edition
Blazing Bite Chili Garlic Jam:  Limited Edition
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Blazing Bite Chili Garlic Jam: Limited Edition

Sweet, spicy, and smoky – the perfect combination. Addicted has teamed up with Ghost Scream Hot Sauces to create a variation of their award-winning Chili Garlic Jam with an Addicted touch. This jam is full of flavor and is great for a wide variety of dishes and recipes - fish, seafood, wild game, poultry, pork and more. Not only is this jam full of sweet and spicy flavors, it is made with fresh and California-grown roasted red jalapeño peppers and fresh garlic. This recipe doesn't have as much heat as Ghost Scream's original Chili Garlic Jam, so we give it a 1 out of 3 on the heat scale. 

Full Ingredient List: Sugar, Distilled White Vinegar, Roasted Red Jalapeno Peppers, Fresh Garlic, Natural Flavors, Pectin.

Net Wt: 10.5 fl oz. (297 g)

Dist. by: Ghost Scream Hot Sauce, San Clemente, CA

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